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Monday March 14th at 2 PM Pacific
(Click "Watch on YouTube" to make Comments)

Michelle will share her expert advice on:

*Best visibility strategies that turn followers and fans into ideal clients

*How to avoid the most common pitfall that tarnishes your visibility and slows your sale

*3 Pro-Tips from the Performers Toolkit that can help you shine
Show Notes:
Want to know what’s to expand your visibility, grow your credibility and increase your profitability online RIGHT NOW?

Join me for an inspiring and illuminating interview with Voice, Video & Visibility expert Michelle Kopper to discover how to unleash your message so that you get more engagement and your followers and fans become paying customers!

Get the REAL SCOOP about why your visibility may not be getting the results you want it to, and what to do about it.

* Best visibility strategies that turn followers and fans into ideal clients
* How to avoid the most common pitfall that tarnishes your visibility and slows your sales
* 3 Pro-Tips from the Performers Toolkit that can help you shine

Don’t miss this show on How to Unleash Your Message for Income and Impact. Please help get the word out and share with those who may need a business boost.

Each #IBWS provides "a Goldmine of Entrepreneurial Tips, Strategies and Advice to grow your business to new Heights of Success from Inspirational Business Women in the Know.”

Hear the inspired stories and personal struggles of these amazing women and learn how they rose to the top of their field while making a big impact on the lives of others.

As your host, it is my deepest desire to uplift and inspire our "sister entrepreneurs" to pursue their dreams and share their passions with the world. Together we can "make a real difference" across the globe. 

Please LIKE and SHARE this event with those who may benefit.

Virginia Parsons

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Ger her Fast Video Formula

and learn about her event:
"What to Say to 100K and Beyond"

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